Jadilah Insan Bebas Dadah - dari kami untuk semua...

Hai.. jika ada sebarang masalah sila hubungi kami di Bilik Sumber PPDa@Bilik Kaunseling. Jangan pendamkan masalah anda. Dapatkan khidmat guru kaunseling anda dari jam 8.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang.

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Bilik Sumber PPDa SMK Seri Samudera 2009

Bilik ini terbahagi kepada dua bahagian, iaitu Ruang Pameran dan Bilik Bacaan. Telah dirasmikan oleh Tuan Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah Manjung 28 Februari 2009. Sokongan pihak PPD Manjung menjadikan Bilik Sumber tahun ini lebih selesa. Bilik Bacaan dilengkapi dengan penghawa dingin. Pelajar-pelajar dialu=alukan untuk menggunakan bilik ini untuk mendapatkan bahan atau maklumat. Selain maklumat mengenai pendidikan pencegahan dadah terdapat juga maklumat lain. Bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam bilik bacaan adalah sumbangan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan, Jabatan Penerangan, Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya dan agensi=agensi kerajaan yang lain.
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Serampai Kata Pengetua

Assalamualaikum / Salam Sejahtera.

Apa khabar pelajar, guru-guru dan semua warga SMK Seri Samudera? Harapan saya agar semua dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera dan terus memberi sumbangan kelas pertama dalam setiap bidang yang diceburi.

Tahniah kepada Unit Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah SMK Seri Samudera kerana berjaya menghasilkan Blog Sahabat PPDa ini. Kewujudan blog ini diharap menjadi wadah menyampaikan maklumat dan komunikasi antara Unit PPDa dengan warga sekolah.Kewujudan blog ini menjadi salah satu media maklumat yang boleh disampaikan kepada masyarakat selain dari kewujudan blog atau laman sesawang lain.

SMK Seri Samudera memliki Bilik Sumber PPDa. Diharap semua warga sekolah menggunakan sepenuhnya bilik sebagai sumber maklumat mengenai pencegahan dadah, rokok, inhalan, arak dan sebagainya. Pihak sekolah menyokong penuh kewujudan bilik ini sebagai usaha merealisasikan Visi Ppda iaitu Sekolah Bebas Dadah 2012.

Bilik Sumber PPDa yang diwujudkan perlu menjadi pusat sehenti pertemuan anggota masyarakat untuk bertukar-tukar fikiran di samping mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan melalui brosur dan poster yang dibekalkan. Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan atas sokongan agensi lain seperti Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan, Jabatan Penerangan, Jabatan Kesihatan, Jabatan Kastam, Jabatan Imigresen, Pertahanan Awam, Jabatan Pelajaran Daerah dan Negeri dan pihak swasta yang membekalkan bahan rujukan. Saya berharap Bilik Sumber PPDa terus meningkatkan fungsi agar terus menjadi rujukan utama masyarakat Daerah Manjung khususnya dan Negeri Perak amnya.

Hajah Rosidah Abdul Shukor
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Kami Benci Dadah

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SMK Seri Samudera & PPDa

Menuju puncak

SMK Seri Samudera

SMK Seri Samudera terletak di kawasan Manjung Raya, Seri Manjung. Pelajar-pelajar sekolah ini datang dari perumahan dikelilinginya seperti Taman Desa Manjung Point, Taman Samudera Baru, Manjung Point Syeksen 1, 2 dan 3, Taman Desa Bayu dan Taman Samudera. Sekolah mula beroperasi pada tahun 2001. Motto Sekolah ialah "Menjana Insan Kamil". Pengetua Pertama ialah En. Adli Toh Keejo. Pengetua sekarang ialah Puan Hajah Rosidah Binti Abdul Shukor. Pengerusi PIBGnya ialah En. Abu Bakar Bin Basir.

Jumlah muridnya ialah seramai 1300 orang.

Bilik Sumber PPDa

Sekolah ini mempunyai sebuah Bilik Sumber Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah yang mewakili negeri Perak dalam pertandingan Bilik Sumber PPDa 2008. Tahun 2009 sekali lagi Bilik Sumber PPDa SMK Seri Samudera menjadi Johan Negeri dan mewakili ke peringkat Kebangsaan. Bilk Ini menjadi pusat sehenti kepada pelajar, masyarakat daerah Manjung untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan pendidikan pencegahan dadah. Sokongan Pejabat Pelajar Daerah, Jabatan pelajaran Negeri dan Agensi Anti Dadah Daerah memberi semangat kepada guru-guru PPDa SMK Seri Samudera untuk terus mencipta kecemerlangan.

SMK Seri Samudera telah menjadi Johan pertandingan e-PPDa peringkat Kebangsaan pada tahun 2007. Iaitu pertandingan membina dan persembahan MS Power Point bertajuk Masyarakat Madani Tanpa Dadah. Tahun 2008 Naib Johan Peringkat Negeri. Tahun 2009 sekali lagi telah menjadi Johan peringkat Negeri. Jun ini akan bertanding peringkat kebangsaan di Kedah Darulaman.
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Teenager Drug Abuse and Addiction

Tiga Dara Pingitan

If, as parents, grandparents or others who are concerned about the future of a child, it is important that you are aware of the prevention of youth against drug abuse. It is difficult for us, that we are a child of love could be long-term drug use. But chances are that most children will be "Should we or should not?" As parents, we need to know our children that the answer is "I should not, and I do not want."

Here are some facts about children and drugs: Forty percent of American teenagers say they expect a medicine for the future. One of five children of eight years, has tried marijuana. The use of substances such as marijuana and inhalants in May of social factors (for example, if in school) and the physical and the reduction of strength and fitness, or damage to the lungs and brain. Adolescents who smoke are more likely to drink alcohol. Young people who smoke and drink are against the use of marijuana. And these three are more than other drugs. Long-term studies show that the use of other illicit drugs among youth almost never occurs unless, before the marijuana.

If you think your youth was the use of drugs or alcohol to drink, it is important to act quickly, your child is addicted, which depend in May If you have a problem about your experience, there are programs for the treatment of drug addiction, youth who are in the unique needs of this population group.

Be especially happy that the test to determine drug treatment answers to your specific needs of the child. Many of these programs also provide young scientists from home so they get the means to restore its function.

This site is a list of rehabilitation for young people and drugs for youth treatment facilities, rehabilitation of young people from alcohol, drug rehabilitation for children, simple houses, youth and young people from alcohol detoxification centers, drug detoxification.
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To understand drug abuse and addictions

Many see the drug abuse and addiction as a purely social. Parents, adolescents, older adults, and other members of the community are the characterization of these drugs as morally weak or crime trends. They believe that drug users and addicts are able to stop taking drugs if they are willing to change their behavior.

These myths are not just clichés, drug problems, but also their families, their communities and health professions, with them. Drug abuse and addiction is a public health problem that many people and far-reaching social. NIDA is intended for the public replace its myths and long leadership of the lack of drug abuse and addiction with scientific evidence that addiction is a chronic disease that is repeatedly and disease.

Addiction begins drug abuse, if a person is a conscious choice of drugs, but addiction is not just "many drugs". Recent scientific research shows that drugs not only disrupt the normal functioning of the brain to create strong feelings of joy, but also the long-term effects on brain metabolism and activity. At some point, changes in the brain can deal with drug abuse into addiction, chronic disease, disease recurrence. Drug users are an absolute necessity and use of drugs and can not decide for you This is necessary to eliminate this problem.

A variety of approaches are used in treatment programs for patients to cope with the urge to smoke and possibly avoid drug relapse. NIDA research shows that drug addiction is clear. Through treatment that is adapted to the needs of individual patients can learn to live their lives relatively normal.

Treatment can be a strong impact not only on drugs but on the whole society to improve the social and psychological functioning, lower crime and violence and reducing the spread of AIDS. They also reduce the costs to society of drug use.

Understanding the drug also helps to understand how to use them first. The results of NIDA funding for research on prevention has been shown that prevention programs, with the family, schools, communities and the media have succeeded in reducing drug abuse. You must send the message that can not undertake the rehabilitation of all the dependencies, if it occurs.

An excellent opportunity to change how the public against drug abuse and addiction because of the wealth of scientific data. Overcome prejudices and to replace the ideology of science is the best hope for the "great disconnect" - the gap between public perception of drug abuse and addiction, and science.

Be especially happy that the test to determine drug treatment answers to your specific needs. This site has a list of medications and therapy programs, rehabilitation centers, alcohol rehabilitation teen rehabilitation, sober houses, drug and alcohol detoxification centers of their choice.
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PPDa - Visi dan Misi


Sekolah Bebas Dadah Tahun 2012, Negara Bebas Dadah Tahun 2015


Melahirkan pelajar bebas dadah melalui pelaksanaan Program Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah ( PPDa ) yang mantap dan berkesan dalam mempastikan sekolah bebas dari dadah.


Matlamat Pendidikan Pencegahan dadah di Sekolah ialah untuk memberi pengetahuan, kesedaran dan keinsafan kepada murid, guru, kakitangan pendidikan dan ibu bapa agar mereka menjauhinya dan berupaya menentang ancaman dadah dengan meletakkan sasaran “ Sekolah Bebas Dadah Tahun 2012.”

Fungsi :-

Pendidikan Pencegahan Awalan untuk rokok, dadah, inhalan, alkohol dan HIV/Aids.

Pengurusan Program Intervensi untuk murid yang berisiko dan terlibat mencuba rokok, dadah, inhalan, alkohol dan HIV-Aids.

Pengurusan Data, Penyelidikan, Dokumentasi dan Publisiti berkaitan PPDa.

Pengurusan Hubungan Luar
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Shofiyan Shafii